EPISODE 2: Responsible business is good business
Lise Kingo on the past years and future on sustainable business
For five years Lise Kingo has led the world’s largest sustainable business initiative and the UN organization for sustainable business, UN Global Compact. Now the time has come to pass the baton to Sanda Ojiambo. Before Lise left the office in New York, we had a conversation with her about the sustainable development in business over the past years, business opportunities that contribute to reaching the SDGs and how the future of business looks like. With long experience from the business sector and the UN system, Lise Kingo is the perfect person to talk to about where we are heading and what needs to be done to reach the SDGs by 2030.
Download the podcast or listen to it in the player above, to learn more about the specific investments opportunities for companies, what role pension can play in reaching the SDGs and what the work on the ocean can learn from 25 climate change conferences (COP).

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